On August 1, 2011 MTV turns 30. We want to know...
What is your favorite MTV moment?
Megan Neumeier
ZZ Top - She’s Got Legs It was like a Cinderella story but in a shoe store, ha!
Beth Boyd
OH…. I was in college and we would watch MTV for hours. What a great place to be when Michael Jackson’s Thriller came out! The entire sorority gathered to watch the premiere.
Kim Harrelson
I remember being at a friends house and her telling me (as we were listening to the Rolling Stones “Beast of Burden”) that “beast of burden” meant something really really really bad and never to say it around anyone especially a PARENT!
Tyler Whiteside
When MTV actually stood for MUSIC TV. Not worth watching anymore.
Courtney Blazer
Nsync & Brittany Spears
Brittany Spears in a pink shirt but I don’t remember what song it was
Susan Warren
Oops, what if I said, “I’ve never really watched MTV” My mom wouldn’t let me watch it growing up and I’ve been too busy since then to care.
My favorite memory is TRL…and when MTV actually showed videos, not all reality television!!!
Brooke Burnett
I have to say that my all-time favorite video is Tom Petty’s “Don’t Come Around Here No More.” I was 6 when it was released and I thought it was the strangest and coolest thing I had ever seen. 26 years later I still feel that way.
Amber Forga
I loved dancing to “Hey Mickey” when I was a kid. My parents hated that song!
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